Hold Your Story: Reflections on the News of Sexual Violence in India
Edited by Chindu Sreedharan, Einar Thorsen and Asavari Singh
‘Hold Your Story is a vital, timely, and welcome addition to the literature on sexual violence in India. As the first book to focus exclusively on media coverage of rape – including different forms of such violence – it is an invaluable resource for journalists, media houses, journalism schools, and media critics and scholars. It is all the more unique because it examines various aspects of reportage across the country, in different types of media and several languages.’
Ammu Joseph, Journalist and Author
‘A much-needed addition to the almost inexistent literature on how the media covers sexual violence. Through lively essays and searching interviews, this extremely readable compilation reports, analyses and comments on the inadequacy, ignorance and bias that mark rape reporting in India.’
Professor Vaiju Naravane, Ashoka University

Published November 2020, available from:
Amazon Kindle (India)
Amazon Kindle (UK)
Amazon Paperback (UK)
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Notes for the Media: Ordinary Indians, on the reporting of sexual violence
Edited by Chindu Sreedharan, Einar Thorsen and Asavari Singh
‘Finally! A book that reveals what Indians really think about sexual violence and the reportage on it. A plethora of voices secured across diverse social and economic strata, each interview presenting sharp insight about a burgeoning problem that refuses to go away.’
Nikhil Lakshman
Published November 2020, available from:
Amazon Kindle (India)
Amazon Paperback (UK)
Amazon Kindle (UK)
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